The Magic Touch

Billy Riggs, the dis-illusionist, helped a group of almost 70 credit union staff break through their own personal illusions to raise the bar on member service using both fun and magic.  The team was given pointers on how to engage members, make great first impressions, turn satisfied members into loyal ones, and disarm angry people. The program contained well performed magic focusing on member service and communication skills.

Below are some of the comments attendees had to say:

"It is not always easy to convince someone that they will have fun at a training or seminar but when you have speakers that are as engaging and humorous as Billy was it makes me feel bad for anyone that missed out on the opportunity to hear him speak!"
"I walked away ready to start the day, didn't know how much I needed the laugh and the motivational part of his presentation."
"At first I thought it might be boring but it was very good and I thoroughly enjoyed it and gained some valuable information on dealing with people."
"the speaker was phenomenal, everyone in attendance was engaged because the topic was relevant and interesting.....AND you had breakfast tacos!"
Simon Darby