Advocacy 101- How to be heard on Capitol Hill

ACCU hosted Jim Phelps, Vice President - Advocacy, from the Cornerstone Credit Union Leage. At our Advocacy 101 training Austin credit union employees learned that aside from the economy, the landscape that most affects the operation of credit unions is the political one. Whether it's proposed legislation or recommendations of a government regulator, the end result can change our fundamentals. Jim taught it's vital that we develop an understanding of the system and the most effective strategies for advancing credit union's political influence.

The highlights of Jim's training were:

  • The basics of advocacy - what it is, and how it works.
  • CU Advocacy Issue Review - overview of key issues of interest to your credit union 
  • Becoming a "Player" - discussion of how you can elevate your political power 
  • How to conduct a meeting - experience the do's and don'ts of a meeting with an elected official.
Simon Darby